relationships make me cringe today. or rather people that can't let go. or the inability to let go, whatever. departures and their complications.
good friend of mine's ex keeps popping up again and again and disturbs the waters that have steadied. he's a great guy, but too kind and trusting. she will call out of the blue, slightly tipsy, being all sweet, cooing, and P falls for it again and again, getting exhausted each time. I wish she left him alone, I wish he was able to ignore her and focus on himself and his own happiness, I wish he met someone wonderful who'd blow his socks off and make him forget her. Ugh.
And my sister is holding out in a brave wise struggle for her and her son's good. Even though it's breaking her heart she did not let her husband (who wanted to return home because it's "cheaper", while living his own life, separate from hers - meaning, keep seeing this other woman). She stood for herself and told him that she's sorry she cannot help him (they are in SF, far away from home, he only has a part time job, so living situation is an issue now that they're separated), but that it would only be possible for him to return if he wanted to work on their marriage. He'd have to cut all ties with the other woman (including stop using her car, stop working at her work, stop bringing their son to her house...) Go girl! I am so proud of her. I was worried she would just be happy to see him come back no matter what, but she's stronger than I thought. Still, I cringe and grit my teeth for her every day. Absolutely sucks.
Good for her, dag.
Often it takes this sort of thing to show us just how strong people really are. I'm proud of her, too, just reading about this.
yes, she did well. she prepared, too. she actually typed up notes of things she wanted to communicate to him and had them in front of her. she's an organizer, can you tell? haha. but it helped her tremendously to get through those points calmly and constructively. both me (with my mediation background) and my mom (family therapist) were gleaming how well she did. she still feels miserable, but much better than a week ago, and hundred times better than 2 weeks ago. poor thing.
Damn - that's awesome. <nods> strength to her.
and your friend, P, too.
yep, he needs it more. She'll be fine. She's strong. Backed by her ya-ya sisterhood (and motherhood i suppose?)
Dreary, drizzly weather, with individual larger, cold raindrops falling on your head from some balcony or roofedge.
tell me about it. i'm biking in that.... uggghgg.
Hello ... <smiles, waves>
I'm going to Aggtelek this weekend, apparently (which is funny, to me, as a Dutchman, more specifically from The Hague, but never mind) -- so I sure hope it'll look up...
i'm going to Krems - out in the wine country - on Sunday. so it better be beautiful by then!
My car has been making a pretty ugly sound coming from under the hood. Today I took it to get an oil change, and figured I'd go to a shop rather than a Valvoline type place.
So...the a/c belt is snapped, and the alternator belt is on it's way out. It's too late on Friday for them to fix it, and he tells me not to go too far. Well, it died on a busy street(Mass. Ave) right at a light on my way back from the shop. Get to push it off the road myself and wait for a tow truck.
And I'm going to Springfield tonight(1 1/2 hours away on highway).
The positive? I have to take the motorcycle.
That sucks, Slappy.
The weather here is pissing me off. I like the blue-sky/ colorful-leaves part of fall. I do NOT like the dank, dark, rainy, drippy part of fall. It's been doing this since yesterday and I'm sick on it. I mean, street lights are on because it's so dark -- at 5:00 PM!!!
you can be sick on it if it makes you feel better
Don't, soz. It's just that time of year. We're turning the clocks back on Sunday (right?) and it'll be even darker at 5pm.
We've got a relatively new batch of silly little girls on A2K these days and everytime there's a new post from one of them...grrrrr.
Not sure why they bug me so but they do and even tho I never post on their threads, still, just the sight of their names...grrrrr.
Whoa, just checked. Yep, October 30th.
Well, there's another thing in the GYT&G column...
Grit your teeth & grimace?
Also, just Googled an old boyfriend and found a recent picture of him (he's semi-famous locally) and he looks EXACTLY the same as he did 15 years ago!! Men.
$800 to fix the car.