My 35 year old stepson called here this morning whining about having the flu and he made it sound like it was the end of the world. Grimacing and gritting my teeth, I handed the phone to his father, imagining him begging his daddy to come over and bring him some juice and some cold medicine altho' he has a convenient store right in the luxury highrise building he just moved into. Oh yeah. And walk the dog.
But he didn't...
Another sleepless night

I am going to a Brownie camp this weekend so if my sleeping hasn't come right over the next few days, I reckon I will definitely sleep on Sunday night!!!
I had a semi sleepless night, we had an earthquake
around 4 am, and after that I couldn't go back to sleep....
Earthquake! Everything OK?
Washing my hair while trying to avoid messing up the two giant awful blisters I got while doing yard work more than they are.
Wearing gloves next time.
(For yard work, not washing my hair...)
Oh yes sozobe, thank you, it was only a 4.1 and we just
got shook up.
CalamityJane wrote:I had a semi sleepless night, we had an earthquake
around 4 am, and after that I couldn't go back to sleep....
Earthquake?*!? Good grief ! How often does this sort of thing happen in your area? It must be very frightening.
The last time the earth moved for me was on April 15th 1962, somewhere between 2.15 and 2.18am, but that only measured 3.4 owing to the fact that the heating had broken down.
Having people sneak in and beat me at the "where am I?" travel game.
I am now studying every photograph ever taken, of every place in the world . I am also preparing a bucket of black coffee for tonight in an effort to see if I can "outsneak" them later on.
They wont know I'm there this time.....I'll let somebody else do all the research and then BAM! I'll dazzle them with my new found worldly knowledge.
Enjoy your game today people, but dont forget......I'll be lurking.
It is frightening! No matter how often I've been through
earthquakes, and the 7.4 in L.A. in the early 90s
was quite a large one, my knees start shaking and I start
to panic.
So Spanky, you're out to beat us

Just do as Tico does,
he comes in at the very end for the kill.
SHITE mood all day - i mean chronically bad - crying, wanting to throw things - god i feel awful
B/friend asked to come over
He hasn't turned up
I was going to reply to you yesterday Ms Boo, but I normally put my foot in it and would probably have caused you to throw the computer out of the window.
I hope everything sorted itself out for you, and you are smiling again.
Such kind words, Lord Ellpus!
Bekaboo, I hope you're smiling by now, too.
Hehe yeh i'm smiling

he did turn up, and cheered me up too
He obviously knew we were going to get Gus onto him.
I want to punch my f'n roomate in the face.
This wouldn't piss me off so much if he wasn't so damn lazy all around, so it shouldn't surprise me. I'm buying a new motorcycle from a private seller, and the money cleared in his account today. I called my roomate at his work to ask him if he'd be able to drive me to pick it up, and he just acted flaky, didn't give an answer. Note, I'm definitely not going to be able to get it tomorrow, and it's supposed to rain this weekend.
When he came home I asked him again, and he was a cock about it.
"Because I'm going to get dinner, and relax."
"I'll buy you dinner."
Dick. I can't wait until he asks me to do something for him. Lazy bastard doesn't do a damn thing, unless it revolves around him.
Of course, it's not like you can just expect people to do things like this for you on demand, but since he's one of my best friends, he should't be an ass about it.
<I think Slappy's <why did i just type Sally?> roommate has been reading the advice we've been giving to l'k on dealing with her roommate - but that's only for roommates you hate>
Except I'm not a semi-retarded leech like her roomate is. We're actually friends, and if he asked me to to do the same, I wouldn't think twice about it.
Yea, he's 1/2 the reason I hired a housekeeper.
hmm. any other way to get there? could the seller drive it over and then you give him a lift in your car?
dagmaraka wrote:hmm. any other way to get there? could the seller drive it over and then you give him a lift in your car?
This guy has the week off for vacation, has a wife and kids. I told him the situation, that I can only get up there when I find a ride...if he offered, I'd jump on it, but I wasn't about to just ask him. And I'm sure that option crossed his mind.
That's actually the way I delivered my ex-bike the other night. The buyer wasn't licensed yet, so I delivered it and he drove me home.
Wakefield. 25-30 minute ride from me.