That sucks Soz!!!
Here's my whinge.
Poor Miranda. The ******* plane was leaving at 9.15 Monday, which meant I didn't have enough time to get her into boarding on Monday morning and get the plane. So...I had to take her off her sun perch, where she was ecstatic, and take her to the damn vet's on Saturday.
Then, on Sunday night I got some sort of mutant gastro which continued all Monday, and I was too sick to GO on the gbloody plane!!!
Man, did that go over badly. I think you are supposed to go if you're dead. My boss was on the phone trying to get me to figure out how could get the stuff I had prepared for the trip to the airport. Because I had kept hoping I would be ok (my bags were packed, I was dressed etc.) it was too late to get a taxi to do it. I'd have done it myself...but it was too dangerous to drive in that state.
I was too sick to pick Miranda up until yesterday afternoon. So I get to pay 4 day's boarding for no earthly purpose.
And, I am pretty much better...but I am almost too scared to go to work.
I'll do an extra trip to make up.