Oh, sure! It stopped hurting already. I just feel stupid for not cottoning on to this before. I had even put velcro tape around the point at the end of the cabinets, as a sort of cushion until I worked out some more charming point cover. The cabinet points of these particular cabinets are at a poor height for me, but they'd also be apt to get others on occasion.
Personally I'm in favor of stuffing everything except skeletons into cabinets and cupboards and closets. I like unclutter.
Of course if the doors to cabinets and cupboards and closets are possessed by resentful demons.....
ossobuco, hope your egg isn't hurting anymore. It sounded really painful.
My G & G from last evening and this morning:
A dad at M's daycare makes it a practice to park in the middle of the road, right up front at the exit of the driveway. I've had to wait behind him ten minutes one time. Last evening and this morning, I was parked up front and sure enough he parked right next to me. This is a two-lane driveway - no shoulder or anything for another car to squeeze past.
To top that, last evening, as M & I zipped off (unlike the unlucky who were stuck behind, waiting for this person to drive off first), I noticed him handing his baby to the mom (?) sitting in the front passenger seat. And that's how they drove off (they were behind me for a bit of my drive home, and I could see in my rear-view mirror).
This morning I told the daycare director to ask him not to park where he does. For the rest, I just hope he drives safely and with more consideration than he parks.
Glad you're feeling better already, Osso.
I continue my weeks of pain and discomfort. My skin is not peeling (and itching!). I got a fresh set ofblisters between my fingers. Ya know, wearing gloves is supposed to prevent, not cause, blisters. AND, the kicker - I electrocuted myself. Sigh.
I tried to work today but it really hot and the job was of a brutal sort. I got in 3 hours before I f=started feeling chills. Chills? It's 90 and full sun. Maybe chills is a bad sign. All done.
Chills? I sort of remember chills with sunburn, but it's been a while since I've had one. Seems time for cooling aloe, a nice lounge chair, cooling drink, and a good book that's NOT a school assignment. (Impossible, I suppose...)
My Egg is now a slight Hill.... and only hurts if I raise my eyebrows...
When I was in 6th grade I fell and hit my forehead, blacked out, got a huge egg. It eventually drained down into my eye sockets causing discoloration under my eyes.
No lounging, no fun reading. I only got to 4 or of 6 chapters that were assigned as pre-reading. I am hoping beyond hope that she doesn't assign more reading this weekend.
ouch, osso, sorry about the egg.
Littlek, I've had chills at night after too much sun. Skin temp is hotter than internal temp and wants to cool itself or something like that. I'm not so sure that's the same thing as chills the next day while being out in the sun/heat. How are you feeling now?
I feel better. I've had more water and some lunch. And the air temp is dropping like a stone. Thanks for asking!
Glad to hear it, but take it easy in the sun if you can.
_Heatwave_ wrote:
My G & G from last evening and this morning:
A dad at M's daycare makes it a practice to park in the middle of the road, right up front at the exit of the driveway. .
you need these-
just slip it under his windshield wiper.
Or use some scotch tape ( so it doesnt damage his vehicle) and tape it to the window in the back so that others can see it too.
He will be the laughing stock
Dasha gave me some 'tickets' to use for idiots. It's like a normal ticket, you can choose and check appropriate boxes. I have actually used them.
I think I know the kind you are talking about.
I see some on an internet page every now and then, but I cant seem to find it.
Love em!
I need to print out some myself
They are plain heavy paper. So, there's no adhesive to really screw up someone's car. But, if they get wet and then dry, they are a pain in the ass to scrape off. So, wet them before applying in extreme cases.
We live in a dense city (ha!) - densely populated city. There are precious few residential spots on the neighborhood streets. Most people are good about fitting in and know how many cars can fit between the drive ways and street corners. For example, at the start of my block are two 2-car lengths of curb, then a 3-car, a 2-car, etc. Often people parking in the 2 or 3-car spots use up two spaces, using a temporary pass, usually, and leave their cars there for days. I have one neighbor who is vicious with her notes.
One thing you can do this winter, littlek, is, once the temps fall into the sub-zero range and there is a particular car that you would like to extract revenge upon simply lay a particularly disgusting pornographic image on the windshield and then pour boiling water over it. It will adhere with such a tenacity that only razor blades and elbow grease will remove it.
Just trying to help.
Oooooooooooohhh, great idea!
Speaking of cars, I had another guy on the highway ridiculously cut me off. I'm in the left lane, and only have a car length between me and the car ahead of me. I saw him coming up on my right, I sped up, and he still just cut in with no blinker. When he got out of the passing lane to get off the highway he was making f'n blowjob gestures to me....he was a skinny 50 year old. Do that to my face asshole.
Seriously, I really wish I could follow one of these idiots, beat the piss out of them, and not have to worry about an assault charge.
And I like puppies.
In-f'ing-somnia!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
The "Don't Take $$ From Strangers" post... it goes on and on and on...
shewolfnm wrote:
you need these-
just slip it under his windshield wiper.
Or use some scotch tape ( so it doesnt damage his vehicle) and tape it to the window in the back so that others can see it too.
He will be the laughing stock

Haaaaa! Sooooooo cool. Love it! Thanks, shewolf!