Noddy24 wrote:Msolga--
We have at least six power outages every year. Without electricity we have no heat (electric pump), no water for any purpose (electric pump), no lights, no cooking facilities, no air conditioning.....
I've decided that Power Outages are a time to meditate on the daily problems in Third World Countries.
Perhaps I sound smugly pious, but perspective does that.
Congratulations on your lovely, lovely new equipment. You deserve civilized comforts.
We have quite a few power outages here , too, Noddy. But generally they don't last long. You can easily miss them if you're not using the computer or watching television at the time ....
How long do yours last? Are you talking about the really long ones? (Like when the freezer defrosts?

Thank you! I'm enjoying my new toilet cistern to a degree I couldn't have possibly have imagined last week! :wink: