The clout of well organized quasi " reigious" political offerings post dated Kennedy for the most part. Stuff like "The Moral MAjority" came out of the closet as a resut of the early 70's support of Tricky Dicky , reported hate for MAdilyn Murray Ohare, and Roe v Wade, and IMHO, a thing that sent religion in politics to oxygen free levels was the ultra liberal views in birth control of the Good BAptist Jimmy Carter. His Baptist Conference was the first organization to turn on him because he didnt follow their suggested dictates .
Today, a candidate in national politics better have some religious pedigrees. They are gearing up in PA's Senate race and religion is being used already to sort outthe party selections (Our primaries are tomorrow)
I wonder whether a claim that Romney belongs to a "cult" will come out in the "Citizens United" radio and TV spots? Or that Obama is a card carrying Muslim?
Itll all come from the nutsy fringe.