@Joe Nation,
My first post over at the other forum was in October 2008.
I did take lots of time off from all posting for a while…but not as a result of a ban. I got tired of the fighting…and I got tired of me being nasty. When I started at Abuzz…there was no nastiness. But “nastiness” seems to be contagious, and I caught it bad for a while.
At some point, I tried several different forums…and was pretty much asked to leave a couple of the atheist forums for acting unruly (i.e. being an agnostic)…but I do not ever remember being banned from A2K--and I always missed it.
Glad you stopped by, because I am sure we would have discussed it if it had happened—and I hadn’t thought about asking you or Kicky.
The thread that Setanta spoke of where this supposedly happened is:
That was in April 2004.
I have many posts in A2K after April of 2004…and no mention of a banning that I could find.
April is always bad news for me with the forums. My time for Internet discussions goes down as my time for golfing goes up. So I was about to enter golf season when that thread was active…and that may account for my absence. To give him the benefit of the doubt, perhaps Set thought my absence meant that I had been banned.
I do not remember saying, “**** you” to him, but it is not impossible. He does occasionally get to me—I will acknowledge that.
<b>We had several talks about to pronounce Setanta. SEtanTAH or SeTANta or SeSHIT-tED. (pronounced: "say **** head" It was hysterical,but we had usually had at least a couple of beers by then. (No offense, Setanta, we're just talking.) We also talked about several, many, others. Just funning...... </b>
Seems to me we decided the first "e" in his name was pronounced the Latin way, and the correct pronunciation was SATAN-ta. Maybe I am wrong about that.
<b>A2k is better with you on it than off. Much better. </b>
Thanks buddy. ‘preciate it!
You gonna be there on the 15th?