dlowan wrote:Mitt Romney...what are his policies?
IMO Romney is a slightly right of center mirror image of Obama.
Obama knew exactly what to say to appeal to his base to get himself elected and then he proceeded to take primarily left of center pragmatic actions.
Romney is doing something very similar except he's not as good of an orator so he's having trouble getting his base enthusiastic. But I think that will come around a bit better once he's into the general election.
Neither Romney or Obama are ideologues, they are both pragmatists just slightly on opposite sides of center. Neither one is likely to make any major changes to the status quo.
IMO any major changes to the economic and governmental problems within the US will have to start with changes in Congress, not with the President. And the main problem which needs to be addressed is the affect of $MONEY$ (primarily through lobbying) on Congress people. Until that changes, nothing will really change.