Connect denims to needle eh? and stop dipping your dummy in syrup. Using your method of connecting you are back to any old 6 letter word made from 3 letters of another word and that' game is for children because it is so easy as I have demonstrated when I knocked off 10 without breaking sweat in five minutes. There is nothing remotely interesting in it and you are trying to dumb us all down to your level. Billions wear denim and a right load of tootles they look too.
You could just as easy have had "lentil" because you pretended you had had lentil soup for dinner, "Delphi" because you pretended you had been reading about oracles, "double" because you pretended to have backed two winners, "dapple" because you pretended to have some mouldy cheese, "lesson" because you pretended to have watched a self-improving programme on telly, "finder" because you pretended you found some cat-**** on your lawn, "fiddle" because you pretended you had been listening to Yehudi Menuhin records, "Belize" because you pretended to have been reading a holiday brochure, "felons" because you pretended to have known one, or, wait for it, -------, patience-----"energy" because you don't believe in wasting any.
And I do. I only come on here to waste energy. Does anybody come on for any other reason? You're like a bloke asking, nay demanding indignantly, that the other runners in a race should run at your speed.
How's "Smegma" for "denims. That should make a few Red Dwarf fans chortle.