mismi wrote:
If you are serious and really want to know - then of course if you believe God is all powerful and sovreign he could have made us perfect from the beginning. Automatons that have no will and no ability to make choices.
No he would rather make beings he will punish for making choices that he randomly chooses to disagree with. Here is the thing, nothing HAS to be a sin technically. Why are certain things sins to begin with? Because god chooses these things or does something else determine them to be sin and for got to remain godly he can't accept it? If he is all powerful then sin is something that even god could over come without any need to resent it, yet for some reason doesn't. In other words this sounds like more human created male cow feces because it makes absolutely no sense.
mismi wrote:
But - for whatever reason (he is God after all - he doesn't have to make sense to please me) he gave us the ability to choose right from wrong.
He gave you the ability to chose right from wrong? Really? So why are there so many lessons in the bible about how to treat your slaves? Are you saying that it is actually right to own and beat your slaves? We just are ignoring this god given right? Interesting that people in the past couldn't figure this out and it took almost 2000 years to do so. God is a little slow on the uptake I think. Or wait, maybe it has something to do with, god is a man made concept and these ideas behind how to treat slaves was a old life style that we have determined to be barbaric and cruel? I think if god gave us the ability to know right from wrong, things would have been better for long ago.
mismi wrote:
Whether you believe this is a crutch for the weak minded here on earth, or that there is a powerful force (God) in charge, the idea of an afterlife has always been a possibility.
True it is a possibility but 99.999999% unlikely.
mismi wrote:
We just don't know. But if God is actually God - and all powerful - he can do whatever he chooses. If he chooses to bring those who were seekers of him to a place in the afterlife - then it stands to reason he would want it to be perfect and not a whole other Garden of Eden scenario.
Gods quality assurance test right? He makes them and then tests them out to see if they are good enough for his consumption? Sounds like a really nice guy. If I were a god, I wouldn't put any beings through such a scenario. But I don't think this life is a test of any kind and I don't think there are any gods or god. This life has it's bad aspects because it has nothing authoritative over it.
mismi wrote:
But seriously - you just have to come to the point of being happy with the idea that you WANT to believe (there are some of us that do) and therefore will believe, or that you reject it totally as pishposh. And the decision is one you have to be comfortable with in spite of what others think. Because they will try to make you feel like an ass about it - from both sides (the believers and the non-believers). It's human nature.
The problem is, when things are accepted on no basis then forced onto others to accept them or pay with their lives or pay with their finances then it must call into question it's validity.
mismi wrote:
But live by your conscience you must.
Who says?
mismi wrote:
In other words - it is a mystery. Faith is required. Some do NOT like the idea of faith...though it is a sure thing...in one manner or another.
You say it is a sure thing, but there is nothing that supports that statement what so ever. Those who do not know but wish to know, use faith. Those who know, don't need faith. In other words, faith is useless and only necessary if you want to support nonsensical ideas.