Another thing I'd like to add, if that's OK ....
And that's what the
purpose of the year book/end of year magazine (in Oz) is ... (I've been editor of quite a few in the schools I've worked in)
(In Oz anyway) it is meant to focus primarily on one year at the
school. A lasting record of that year.
Including life at the school, what happened that year, all sorts of achievements, students' writings & other contributions & a record more "social" events & fun, too. And the photographs & articles included would usually reflect that, obviously.
The subject of this photograph is a very pretty girl (everyone at her school knows that already) &
any photograph of her in the year book would no doubt show that she is. But I suspect the school would not want to encourage people (complete strangers even) viewing the year book to be sorta
lusting over images of any of their students & commenting on their "hotness" .