wandeljw wrote:
Relativism allows differing viewpoints to be considered equally correct on the basis that each is valid within its own cultural, religious, or political framework. For example, creationism is valid within a particular religious framework and therefore no less plausible than a scientific explanation of the natural world.
To me, relativism seems to take away the justification for judging one claim superior to another claim. In the absence of being able to make such judgments, how can knowledge advance?
Not sure why no one has pointed out the actual problem with this theory.
You can't have two truths that are in direct conflict with each other, it doesn't make any sense. There has to be an underline truth that reveals the other to be false or wrong. Therefore relativism does not work. It is an attempt to play nice with everyone else and avoid the inevitable conflicts that people will have when they realize what they believe is wrong. Since no one likes to be wrong and some beliefs make people feel warm and fuzzy they refuse to acknowledge reality when it is right in front of them. This is where that concept arises.
It really is a new age concept, because most ways of thinking generally exclude other ways. There has to be a fundamental underlining truth that reveals either both or one of the concepts wrong. You can't have conflicting truths.
Let me use an example to explain the common error people are making.
When you talk about the concept of relativism in relation to an object moving or stationary to another object that is only revealing a true statement about one aspect of the object. In other words you can not say that the object is both moving and not moving relative to that same object. It makes no sense.
The boat is both moving and not moving relative to the shore is nonsensical. However; you can change the perspective and say relative to the shore the boat is either moving or not moving. It can NOT be both.
This is where people take relativism and try to misconstrue it with things like astrology and say, well according to you it might be false but according to me it's true. "We have relative realities with astrology and both are true." No that is wrong, it can only be one way. Either astrology is right or it is wrong, it can't be both. Although an aspect of astrology could be right it doesn't make the whole thing right as well.
Relativism is a concept stolen as an attempt to allow everyone to have their cake and eat it without someone having the ability to prove them wrong. In other words people refuse to accept reality for what it really is.