Sooooooooooooooooo, today is day for singing a birthday song for IzzyTP - he's not been very well of late so I reckon we all need to sing it out loud so he can hear us
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Dear IZwith.a.Y
Happy Birthday To you
and being it's a bit brass monkey's this side of the poind - we'll sing from Rio
We have cake
we have candles
and balloons
and we have the finest bottle of Calvados
<cheers mate>
and dancing
sending all good wishes for a wonderful day (((D))) and a fan.tas.tic year ahead...
and a torte de mele to hold you until you get that still going..
Hope your birthday's good and that your Southampton FC does well.
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Fri 2 Dec, 2011 01:17 pm
Dear Izzy, hope you have a wonderful day and a year filled with unexpected and happy surprises. Happy Birthday! Even the Prez is hoisting one in your honor.