Sat 24 Jan, 2004 05:35 pm
It started with little children's books - then to whole novels, then poetry and history and politics and biography and so on and on and on.....
I am not kidding! I am in the middle of culling books - they have taken over my whole apartment - I have book-cases in the living room - in the study, in the bedroom and in the hall. Bookcases are eating my space....
I am talking BIG bookcases......there are books on my bedside tables, my coffee tables, the floor (since I am culling)
I try not to buy any more - it lasts a few weeks, then I try just one....come on, it's a WORK comes off my tax.....then, I am gone!
I delight to buy books for others, even.....actually, especially.....though it is hard to let the little darlins go.......
I read em and give em away. Share the wealth! Feels good.
I do - but they keep me POOR!!!!!!!
And many I cannot part with....
I actually nearly really hurt myself because of them yesterday - lol!
I was moving things, and I have bookcases that are meant to sit beside or on top of each other. I decided to go for a stack of three. First, a whole lot of books from another case fell on me - hurt my nose. Then, as I was lifting the third one to the top of the stack, I got stuck - had to do a whole lot of visualising to get the strength to lift it waaaaay up there, now I don't like the way it looks - but I am scared to try lifting it down, I will get squashed.
Mind you, that would be a fitting end - squashed under a bookcase....
What a way to go! It would read well in your obit too! Triying to imagine the epitaph~Hmmm....
My friends would see the humour - it would go down with the koala with chlamydia imitation, and the passing out pissed in the middle of a huge party (they called an AMBULANCE, cos nobody had ever seen me so pissed, and they thought I had an 'orrible illness) and other legends...
I can't part with a book. It makes me sick to part with a book. There hasn't been a book yet that I've parted with that hasn't made me feel regret for doing so. So now I limit myself to reference books. Quotations, music reference books, dog breeds, stuff like that, because you never know when you might be called upon to look something up for a friend. Right?
Since I have a collection of movie related books, and 300 binders of movie pictures and info, from floor to ceiling in two rooms, I have stopped buying fiction. But - on the top shelf of one of those cases, I have carefully stashed away 30 or more hardback novels I purchased many, many years ago and I am not ever going to part with them. Because, someday, I am going to read them again. (lol)
I've kept all the old books too. But the new ones- in and out. (fiction anyway) I've kept the special children's books of my son's to pass them on someday. Yeah, I love reference books. Keep them too, although the internet is replacing the need. I used to spend a fortune on books, but now when I get the urge I cruise by the library and buy paperbacks and hard covers from their used book sale rack. 25/50 cents, a buck or two. I read them and then they go right back when I'm done to be resold. New books I buy hard and soft cover (I still buy occasionally) go there too.
I also give them old videos and cd's. I like the idea they will be of some use rather than sit on a shelf forever.
I've started collecting books at yard sales and I have a problem with parting with books as well. It looks like I'm going to have to look for book shelves at the yard sales this summer because I've run out of room for my books. Thankfully, we have a big house and I can think of many places to put the shelves.
Have you tried Biblioholics Anonymous?
Fealola: My daughter likes that idea also. That's why I only have about 30 novels left. But, she knows better than to go to the movie, poetry, reference collection. As for CD's, I am parting with loads of them since I got a new computer and am able to burn certain selections onto another CD.
pieman wrote:Have you tried Biblioholics Anonymous?
Is there one? Can we found one?
I've been trying to prepare myself to do a book purge in the spring.
It's not going well.
All it takes is a little trip to Book City and ...
I have cut back, waaaaay back, on current reference type books. Most of what I'm interested in can be found online now - and I don't print any of it (went so far as to unhook the printer).
I've given up.
I have a library. An actual library. A room lined with books. It's in it's infancy, such as it is, but it's a library. I'm sure it's gonna grow and grow and be a major pain in the butt, but we've done all the purges we can stand to do and have accepted our fate as bibliophiles.
Hmmm - mine have outgrown the damn room long ago - I suppose it is a smaller room, my "study" though - and it also houses the ironing board and the vacuum cleaner and such...
dlowan wrote:but - help me!
That's quite a tall order Deb ;-)
koala with chlamydia? Your date at that party no doubt...
No. And it involves a dessert spoon....
A few years ago I moved into a new home. I had so many books... I packed up my most favorites, then gave the rest away. It was hard. Between my husband and I, we've still managed to collect an even amount since living here. Of course, one of our favorite places to go is the bookstore.
If it's possible, go through your bookcases and try to make a pile of the ones that aren't as interesting as the rest, then give them away. Hopefully you will have made room, and found a place for the books that are just too hard to part with.
You don't want to know how many books I've given away.
All my books on mexico... all my cookbooks except italy/france/vegit, oh, never mind.
My main used book store buys books back for credit or reimbursement (less), which is really good news for me.
I keep only(!) about 1/4 or less of the books that come in the door now.
Things will be better once I varnish the redwood floor to ceiling shelves in the Murphy bed closet for the Art 'library', thus zapping all those cartons..
I agree on the poverty part. If I had the money I've ever spent on books...
oh well. Then I wouldn't be me.