BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
It time to speak the truth about why men (and even animals) are so opposed against a woman's right to decide to have an abortion.
Whether you regard women as having an absolute right to abort (and therefore kill) a child at any stage of pregnancy prior to birth, depends on legal and moral factors you have not specified here. Many Americans regard abortions, especially late term abortions of babies that are otherwise viable even without incubators or special treatment as equivalent to murder. Prior to Roe vs Wade the Federal government was largely silent on the subject leaving it to state governments, proiperly in my view, as outside the eneumerated powers granted the Federal government in the constitution.
The Supreme court in a very controversial and somewhat tortured decision based on "certain enanations and suggestions" found in the constitution determined that women have a near absolute right to privacy and control of their bodies, and by implication the non life within them during pregnancy. Many found this ruling to defy both accepted morality and common sense.
However the law is what the courts say it is and Roe vs Wade is the law of the land. However the moral issue is one on which individuals can (and do) disagree. On a social level there are good reasons to give fathers some rights over their unborn progeny. If our society wishes to see men willing to marry women, create homes and families and contribute to their care and sustinence both directly and in rearing the next generation of society, it seems reasonable to give them some degree of control over the family to which they have legally bound themselves. If women wish to be absoilutely independent in this area they can't later fault men for wishing to avoid marriage altogether and fulfill their sexual needs outside of marriage, thereby depriving women of a major part of the social protection that has so long sustained them. They can't long have it both ways.