rufio wrote:
It's important to identify which is the more permanent ability and which is more constructed. and for which realiability is the most important in dicserning reality.
(IMO and still continuing to play devils advocate here)
Rationality can be both individually constructed and commonly constructed through popular ideas and/or hypothesis as well as through an individuals personality/environment and a cultures ideals/morals, etc. etc etc. It can change from what perception either you or another have on it, time, knowledge, etc. etc. etc. to change it. So, I would think then that rationality in general isnt a permanent construct but, a changing and evolving one.
Even if you take into account an individuals ability to perceive rational thought, it can be either one of a permanent or temporary manner. As well, that person could be not perceiving a standard rationality however, it is their level of rationality still.
I could certainly say the same thing for reality and a perception of reality as that would directly reflect on rationality in the same view.
If we take the example of someone mentally inept and unable to perceive what we believe to be reality.
If it is to such a nature as we believe that they have no rational ability and they are unable to discern reality that they are in turn also unreliable.
We cannot say however they do not have their own reality, their own rational thought, or are unreliable all the time. Each case is different as well as the cause/effect. It is a common measure, or commonly accepted measure/knowledge on which we define a rational perception of reality.
This definition/measure is also constructed and should be questioned before setting it into stone.