…in reply to you, Setanta wrote:
Quote:No, what is richly ironic is that i posted a comment on this topic which did not contain any personal invective, Frank responded to with sneering insults, and not a word about the topic, and claims that i am incapable of discussing a topic without insults--and you people lap up that bullshit as though Frank were some kind of oracle.
Look, you and everyone else participating here can go back and read the posts Setanta made in this thread starting with the one at...
From that point on, Setanta has post after post filled with insults and venom...not an ounce of humor; not an attempt to be levelheaded or evenhanded.
As I said earlier, he regularly throws out words like stupid, silly, absurd, childish, idiotic, petty, and puerile to the point where one has to wonder if he is practicing to write a thesaurus. He disparages the intelligence of anyone not agreeing with him in almost every series of posts...and seems constantly to be patting himself on the back.”
The best way to handle Setanta is to enjoy the spectacle.
When I read him, I often imagine him as Oliver Hardy in one of the old Laurel and Hardy movies…with Ollie looking a mixture of perplexed, clueless, and indignant. The image often provokes belly laughs…and if you enjoy belly laughs, David, give it a try next time you read one of Setanta’s posts.