Yeah I do. We're all scattered all over the place though.
We had a home visit yesterday with the guy who makes the recommendations for Stephen to qualify for the services so he can get the placement. It's a lot of red tape and you know once you're in the system everything must be documented. Very nice fellow though and we all agree Stephen will thrive in this situation.
Every day I'm reminding myself of good things this will lead to for BOTH of us, but it's going to be more difficult for more me than Stephen I think. There are some pluses though. I've turned down work over the years especially when squinney and I were separated the first time and he was younger but now as well because I didn't want to leave him alone but now I plan to work as much as I possibly can , pop off this early social security and TRY to find some kind of healthcare policy. (I'm not optimistic there though) I'll also be able to get out and socialize a little more which will be good for business. In my line of work a lot of schmoozing is a plus. I'd love to be able to try and get some medical attention for this worsening problem with my neck and for some odd reason I'd like to continue purchasing insulin and staying out of renal failure or a diabetic stroke.
I have a dj buddy that is leaving his wife and wants to move in which will help me transistion and finish out this lease even though I don't want a roommate. The money will be helpful as well, as I'm pouring every extra dime I have into building my business back up. I don't want to downsize even more, but I can if finances dictate, but I need to finish out this lease and make sure the bedroom is available for Stephen in the highly unlikely event something didn't work out. In addition, his SSI will JUST cover the cost of the home, so his telephone, Karate and other discretionary spending I'll have to pick up from now on.
Oddly, the one thing I'm not even thinking about, which a friend brought up to me the other night, is being free to pursue new romance, both short and long term, if you take my meaning. After drifting around as a young man I finally found the love of my life and after a lot of years it didn't work out. I have no interest in having to go through all the bullshit of trying again. I'd rather watch TV with my cats and masturbate when necessary. Less drama and for sure I'll hold on to more of my money.
I love all my cubs but I have an especially strong attachment to BPB JR., probably because he needs more help than the others because of his disability and partly because of my shitty childhood full of rejection and bullying, not to sound like a whiner. Because I was ill treated by the "system" growing up and because I had to fight tooth and nail constantly for Stephen not to be swept into the corner, things way beyond the general parental advocacy I tried to provide for the 2 younger cubs (and I think i did a good job). Also partially because of the guilt feelings I have for not being around much for the older 2 because I was pursuing a career and just a youngster myself. We do have a close and warm relationship though and talk all the time.
I have mental illness in my family background, a lot of chronic depression and several suicides, and it's been a long struggle for me to keep myself straight to be honest and I'm tired from the fight. I think I did it though, and as soon as Stephen is on the path to a whole life independent of me, which is as it should be, and is happy I'll feel like I at least won THAT war. I have full confidence my 2 younger cubs will do well, my 2 older ones have, and my grandson turned out very well rounded, responsible and I have no doubt he will be a great dad to my great grandson.
Sorry for the rambling, but talking about this is helpful and it's easier to talk behind the relative anonymity of the keyboard than to other people here and really I only have one close friend and squinney to talk to . It's odd that I don't much give a **** what people think, therefore I don't try to hide my skeletons or feelings, but on the other hand I have tremendous trust issues and don't really let people in.
Maybe I just need to get laid.
Meanwhile I have to go digging for Stephen's school record and evaluations for this guy, so off I go. I'm so glad I saved all that stuff over the years. Thanks for listening. Feel free to call me a whiny pussy. I don't give a ****.