Sun 18 Sep, 2011 01:24 pm
What is held in solution in the sea?
That's more of a suspension, as I understand it.
I tend to focus on the top, but a good, well illustrated mermaid tale is always welcome.
Any a you guys seen Wanda around?
OK, i'll set ya up . . . Wanda who?
It's either a Fish Called Wanda...or Wanda of the 7 Seas, who else?
I know a limpet named Linkat. She wears glasses, but still. . . .
An entry in the index of my CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.
Quote:Sea Water---See Water, Sea
Phacts are Phunny
OK, guys, we're all havin' one hell of a good time but poor Palmy is gonna flunk the geography test.