Why the poor are poor.

Tue 13 Sep, 2011 03:50 pm
The poor are poor because they have no ambition, and never will, as long as everything is provided for them by the tax-payers via the government. Who would work for a living if they had no reason to?
Tue 13 Sep, 2011 03:52 pm
@Josef cv,
so, we shoot them then?
Tue 13 Sep, 2011 04:19 pm
@Josef cv,
Wow. That' s really mean and snobbish.
0 Replies
Lustig Andrei
Tue 13 Sep, 2011 05:46 pm
@Josef cv,
The poor are poor because it is God's will. The Almighty decides who will rule and who will grovel; who will eat and who will starve.

I don't understand your last sentence, however, Joe. Are you saying that all people -- including artists, poets, musicians, etc. etc. -- work only so they can have a crust of bread in their pantry? Is that the main reason for working, because one is ineligible for public assistance? I had never thought of that.
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Tue 13 Sep, 2011 06:04 pm
LOL! good one! Very Happy
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Tue 13 Sep, 2011 06:10 pm
@Josef cv,
are you even serious?
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Tue 13 Sep, 2011 06:26 pm
@Josef cv,
Josef, do you have a hard time knowing that you work hard for a living to survive? And feel that others dont and yet they somehow survive? Eating what exactly, having what fun exactly..

Define poor, the homeless are poor is that their fault for not having an ambition when they were stripped of every cent they may once have owned, and had no choice, or they couldn't afford insurance and their house burnt down so they have to live in a car..

If you are referring to people "cheating the system, aren't there good and bad people in this world, some that don't care but ultimately don't have a good life either, be nice is someone like you would pick them up and give them hope that they can be someone, instead of being critical.

Don't assume, don't judge, anything could happen in your life that sees you out of a job and having to get help...

Tue 13 Sep, 2011 06:27 pm
well said
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Tue 13 Sep, 2011 08:26 pm
Agreed! And let's not forget that the rich have also learned how to "cheat the system" for their own benefit.
Tue 13 Sep, 2011 09:06 pm
The rich would never cheat...
Bernie Madoff was one in 60 billion
Tom Petters was one in 5 billion
Tom Cosmo was one in 300 million


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Tue 13 Sep, 2011 09:07 pm
@Josef cv,
And I guess the stupid are stupid because they have no ambition to learn about why people might be poor.
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Thu 15 Sep, 2011 07:46 am
@Josef cv,
My sister in Florida works 2 to 3 jobs while her husband works 2 to 3 jobs. They have problems making ends meet.

Your thesis is utter bullshite JCV. They have lots of ambition and work willpower. Far more then myself. My aunt who lives in New Hampshire and her husband have similar financial circumstances, holding 2 to 3 jobs per spouse.

Your worldview is either so obsolete and deliberately uninformed or worse, you are intentionally and maliciously seeding the world with lies and inflammatory propaganda to dirty how people see the world. Anyway, you have a lot to learn about reality and how the world economy works.
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Thu 15 Sep, 2011 07:50 am
@Josef cv,
Who would work for a living if they had no reason to?

Those who want a better life. Poor people, who do not surrender to despair, will work to get the best life they can, and to make their own decisions, rather than to be told what they can and cannot do. Obviously, you are pathetically ignorant, not least of your ignorance being how social welfare systems work.

But, as you've already shown here that you're a racist, this comes as no surprise.
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Thu 15 Sep, 2011 03:24 pm
I work to live, I don't live to work, life is just too short.
Poor is as poor does, I've met a lot of poor people with lots of money, I read something posted by a poor person just today.
There are plenty of fine people out there who don't have much money, a lot of them work very hard.
We don't get paid for every worthwhile effort we make.
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Thu 15 Sep, 2011 03:58 pm
Volunteer. Donate money. Who will assist you when you become poor. Judge not, it could happen.
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Fri 16 Sep, 2011 10:53 am
@Josef cv,
I just put this racist on IGNORE.

Fri 16 Sep, 2011 02:08 pm
I just put this racist on IGNORE.

Don't do that, BBB, you'll miss the wealth of grammar advice that he/she has to offer.
Sat 17 Sep, 2011 10:58 am
Don't worry, I don't got no more grammer to be looked.

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Lustig Andrei
Sat 17 Sep, 2011 07:09 pm
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:

I just put this racist on IGNORE.


That's the proper place for him, all right. He's ignorant.
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Thu 7 Mar, 2013 06:18 am
@Josef cv,
"The poor are poor because they have no ambition, and never will, as long as everything is provided for them by the tax-payers via the government. Who would work for a living if they had no reason to? "

I'm sorry, Josef cv, but this is a ridiculous stereotype to make. You cannot possibly know every poor person and their work ethic. Some people are born into the lower classes of society and, often due to corrupt governments, would find it near impossible to escape from this situation. Take the 'Caste System' in India as an example, I'm sure the younger generation that are born into an 'Untouchable' family did not all have "No ambition." It was impossible to move classes in this system. Another point to take into consideration is that I fail to see how an Ethiopian women who collects water and food for her family every day, maybe a family that she only has by being forcefully impregnated , then at night has to resort to prostitution to earn a living, has a lower work ethic than an aristocrat that is born into masses of land and wealth. I just think that before you make such a broad statement you should obtain a more sound knowledge of what you're talking about.
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