Like I said, the rider can be in control, but what about the rest of it?
Or, some riders may not be in control. Maybe someone'a Aunt Dottie would be like Lucy in the chocolate factory with the thing.
I think walking is insanely easy, until someone decides I'm invisible and literally walks into me, or makes a beeline toward me, expecting me to be the one to get the hell out of their way.
To me it's second nature when seeing someone walking slowly, especially if they're elderly, to back off, let them proceed at their own pace, and not even let them know I'm there. I figure they're doing the best they can.
However, I see people get on some old ladys ass because they feel they're being held up, and are risking knocking her over and breaking her hip. It's bad enough they feel they can bump someone with their cart or body, what about a segway creeping up behind someone and nudging them to move along?
Some people can't back up out of a parking space. I can't imagine the chaos in a store with a bunch of these, without even the benefit of rules of the road.
The emerging city, special lanes for segways, keeping them separate from pedestrians makes more sense.
Sidewalks are not meant for bikes, why a segway?