Tue 19 Jul, 2011 11:35 am
Hi -
We live in ohio and are currently with Golden Rule United Health insurance.
Last year, with her existing insurance, went to the doctor for regular checkups - flu, cold and cough (minor illnesses). She mentioned that in her Kaiser Permanente application a week ago (as they are the only ones who do not have a waiting period).
We received a letter stating that our application was denied and the reason being that she has existing illnesses (how ridiculous!!) and that she can repeal (it would take 30 days for their decision).
My question is - is there anyone out there in Ohio or anywhere facing a similar situation ? If so, can you please respond how tackled it and if you were able to receive Kaiser Permanente's maternity coverage.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!!
Pregnancy is considered a preexisting condition to most insurance companies and they'll refuse to enroll anyone who is currently pregnant.
Thanks but she is not pregnant yet. All we did was filled up the application and mentioned that she was ill for a few days.