The Czechs, who did a good deal of archaeological research in Egypt after Nassar allied himself with the Soviets, pointed out (or alleged) that it would be impossible to distinguish between the limestone which could have been mined in blocks, and blocks made by pouring a limestone mix into a form. I don't have the knowledge to judge the value of that claim. A few years ago, though, a materials scientist published an article supporting the claim, saying the minerals and air bubbles are present in the stone blocks which do not naturally occur. I believe that everyong agrees that the granite blocks forming the burial chambers within the pyramids were quarried. Another materials scientist has pointed out that copper and bronze tools could hae been effectively over long periods of time if quartz sand were poured into drilling holes or grooves in stone to be quarried or shaped, increasing the life of the tools a great deal
I do know that archaeological research conducted in Egypt by Egyptians within the last decade has turned up a whole heap of things which we didn't know before. A lot of what we "knew" before was actually a collection of assumptions based on the centuries old prejudices derived from taking the bible as "gospel." (All puns are intended). So, for example, the evidence is that the pyramids and other monumental structures were not built by slave labor at all. Rather, they have uncovered a city on the Giza plateau which would have housed 20,000 to 25,000 laborers and their families. The evidence is that these were skilled workers in stone, whose families kept livestock and kitchen gardens in the "city" built to house them.
There was a small wooden model in the museum in Cairo that nobody had understood, although it was discovered more than a century ago, in the area where the laborers city was to be uncovered. Looking at it anew, the Egyptian archaologists wondered if it weren't a model for a device to move the massive stone blocks (whether quarried or poured) up ramps for placement on the pyramid. Effectively, this is a cradle, to which curved wooden quarter arc pieces (follwing the "model") can be attached, allowing a much smaller work force to roll limestone blocks up ramps. Building a large scale model, an Egyptian team moved a three ton limestone block up a ramp with an 18 degree gradient over a distance of one hundred feat in uncer ten minutes.
A great deal of what we don't know about pre-history arises because of assumptions made which were based on the foundational assumption that all culture and civilization arose in the middle east--basically because the Jews said so.
I can refute that quickly, though. If Jewish culture is 6000 years old, and Chinese culture is 4000 years old, what did the Jews eat on Friday nights for 2000 years? Huh, huh?