In New York City, everyone has to serve, doctors, lawyers, judges, attorneys, college professors and, as my former boss found out, odiously self-important small business owners.
He once got selected for a jury and bragged that, during a break, he worked his way down the hallway so he could shake hands with the defense attorney. (Thrown off the jury. How he escaped being charged with contempt of court I don't know, they probably just figured he was too dumb to be on the panel.)
I served three times in fifteen years and pissed him off each time because I wasn't clever enough to worm my way out of it.
Joe('twas a pleasure)Nation
Yes. Very interesting case. I was elected foreman and thoroughly enjoyed the verdict.
I report to Middlesex Superior Court tomorrow.
Good luck George! Let the force be with you!
I got another Jury summons in the mail yesterday. I have to appear next month.
In Florida you can be called once every twelve months.
I just thought of something, it would be amusing if it were for Mr. Swifts trail, of course I wouldn’t be chosen to serve.