Women= the very sex who brought you into this world, and by extension, may we not assume that you are therefore evil, and consumed by spite and devilry, coming from the womb of such a creature? Your equation has little substance to me, beyond the fact that it is moderately clever, however, it is quite sexually prejudice and insulting where you assume so rudely that women are factors which may induce time, and presumably effort, and money, in the lives of the ones with whom they live. You seem to be viewing this from an objective vantage point, free from the scrutiny of others, and are describing the woman as though an innocuous, inanimate object which acts as an encumbrance, and serves as the basis and origin of all evil. Think briefly about world dominion, and all of the female dictators and political tyrants who were women... and if any come to mind, do exclude those mentioned in novels of fantasy and such genres. The purpose of this forum is to allow members of this site to write presumably satirical and degrading comments regarding women- you might feel ashamed- this is in fact quite similar to the pronounced ideology in a populace, which derived from eventual mutual consent, which led to the rise of slavery in America, the Fascist Germany during the Nazi Regime, and such events as those in Egypt, Tunisia(?), and Libya. What we find here is a sexually exclusive and deprecating forum, which, despite reasonable intentions, will eventually bring no purposeful or applicable outcome. Has the human race not yet come to learn that centrifugal disagreement and feud are not paths to diplomacy, yet instead, they are irrevocable stains of injustice and blight of prevalent fairness in our world. Women contradict the existence of man in some ways, and in some ways they are a hinderance, however, I would never necessarily denominate all women as being evil, despite the fact that I know of quite a few reasonable candidates- drink the SWITCH- 100% of what you want, 0% of what you don't want- reply, Noah!