Thu 28 Apr, 2011 03:48 pm
Christians are supposed to be the "light of the world". Their job, given to them by the man they call "Lord" is to be good examples for us in love, peace and forgiveness. Does anyone who has read the Bible have another possible interpretation of the word of Jesus.
Reading the gospel on its own merits (without regard to culture of politics), I am pretty sure I would like Jesus. He loved the poor, he broke laws to help the vulnerable and he challenged the status quo. Jesus was good friends with the most vulnerable and mistrusted members of society. Then it was "tax collectors and sinners", now it would be illegal immigrants and welfare recipients.
And, his harshest words were for the rich and the religious. There is very little with the life and words of the Jesus in the Bible that I have any problem with.
The problem is that I don't see anyone doing this now. Many Christians seem to be on a mission to prevent forgiveness and compassion for the vulnerable in society be they the poor or immigrants or people in other religions.
The angriest most vindictive people seem to be Christians. The Bible talks about "loving your neighbor" and the "peace that passes understanding" and forgiveness.
If there were any truth to the Bible, given the number of people who are following it, shouldn't there be a lot more loving, peaceful and forgiving people around?
it seems to me that most of the so called born again christians are more comfortable with the god of the old testament than they are with Christ, but Godians or Jehovians is a pretty awkward name, and wearing a cross around your neck is probably easier than a burning bush
Even the Old Testament was pretty progressive in issues of helping the poor and vulnerable. The law of Moses had protections for people from debt, and legal provisions designed to help the poor including rules that you have to leave food in your food for people scavenging.
And of course, the Prophets in the Old Testament were most upset with the wealthy class taking advantage of, and not sharing with, the poor.
Jehova has always been very interested in making sure the poor and vulnerable were taken care of.
There are several reasons that I can think of. It really all branches off from people soiling the word "Christian" by saying they are, when they don't truly live that way.