Tue 26 Apr, 2011 07:00 am
I was on a contraceptive for two and a half years, stopped last year husdand and I are now trying for a baby, I havnt been to see a doctor to get something that might might help get my periods back , because a few weeks back ( 2/3) i i figured my periods are close. Soon afer that my breasts started to swell n become sore..again, i figured its ovulation..we have been having sex throughout the whole time.took a home test last week, it said negative, but my breasts kept growing n i had abdominal and back it possible that i could be pregnant??? I have been feeling sick, more so in the morning befor it eat..could all this be in my head> > sex is also uncomfortable
Please, !!!
Try taking anotyher pregnancy test. If the results are different, call your doctor and get it confirmed either way.