In the older version of the search program one could type in say "George Washington" and come up with say 9,000,000 hits. At the bottom of the page on the list a link could be clicked that allowed you to type in another word, say "number of teeth" which would allow the program to search ONLY in the 9,000,000 hits in the original search, which results could also be winnowed down with a search inside the second search results, ........ad naseum, until you could focus in on the pertinent citation with limited effort.
This featured allowed searchers to find quickly a topic combining the two (or three or four) searches, instead of the current program that forces one to type in the complete set of words to find a particular citation; which results in too many hits to even search through.
In other words, the software programers fucked up the most important feature for quick, concise searching. If one wanted to **** up Goggle they could not have done a better job.