Sat 3 Jan, 2004 02:45 am
People who practice judaism aren't supposed to write out any form of god's name unless they intend on burying it when they are ready to get rid of it. Does this same rule apply to typing on computers and on the internet?
Re: Writing the word "g-d" on the internet.
Individual wrote:People who practice judaism aren't supposed to write out any form of god's name unless they intend on burying it when they are ready to get rid of it. Does this same rule apply to typing on computers and on the internet?
I never heard about burying it, but I was tought is was just plain disrespectful to g-d and to believers in g-d, so it stuck.
I might be confused about burying it. By the way, we already established that you don't have to put the hyphen in anymore.
Oh and thanks, Portal Star. I started this thread after seeing you put the hyphens in.
That's what I figured.
Let me admit somthing I am a little embarassed about: I am a bit superstitious. Not about black cats, the poor litte dears, but about things like not walking under ladders, not taking more food than you can eat, and touching the cieling of the car when passing under a yellow light. I think that writing out the name of g-d falls into this category of my brain. I don't believe in a biblical g-d, I'm agnostic, but I have this irrational fear of being smited. (Especially by my old saturday school teachers, if they ever got wind of it.) So there you go.
Plus the whole being taught not to thing. Some stuff really sticks with ya.
Yeah, I get a little twinge of guilt whenever I do things like that.
Hey Portal Star
I'm also an agnostic -- and although I often loft a golf club over my head in celebration after a good shot -- I am superstitious about doing so when there is lightening in the area.
I've even been known to sit out lightening storms in the club house -- although not always.
Even an agnostic can have those kinds of superstitions.
Boy, I know several theists who would get quite a reaction from knowing I'd been done in by a lightening bolt, I can tell you that!
Look. I don't think it ought to be blasphemy, just saying 'Jehovah'.
CROWD: Oooh! He said it again! Oooh!...
OFFICIAL: You're only making it worse for yourself!
MATTHIAS: Making it worse?! How could it be worse?! Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah!
Portal star is the only person I have seen use g-d for god on the internet, but then my only experience on reading about the subject of religion on the internet has been at a2k. It always sort of takes me aback, at least when I first see it. I am glad to know the background of the deletion, it helps me understand people doing it..
ossobuco wrote:Portal star is the only person I have seen use g-d for god on the internet, but then my only experience on reading about the subject of religion on the internet has been at a2k. It always sort of takes me aback, at least when I first see it. I am glad to know the background of the deletion, it helps me understand people doing it..
Actually, it is quite common. Probably more so over at Abuzz -- but it is very common in any case.
Must be the ONLY example of self-censorship to be found on ABUZZ!
Commonly used, I believe you, Frank, but I'd never seen it before.