I did slab some of the pawlonia first. It was a pain in the ass to cut on the portable saw mill. The guy couldnt keep his resaw band strait, and the wood heated up(Maybe his blade was dull too). SO the rest of it I just kept uner roof and it looks pretty good . Like I say Im gonna weigh the batches by putting all 4 big logs on the front end loader, drive down to the feed mill and dump the wood,take a tare on my loader and then weigh the loader with the wood on the bucket(I have a big manure fork on for the spring so it fits alot of wood.
Its a 3 mile trip just to weigh my wood and compute the moisture %.
PAwlonia is a great light and strong wood for cutting. I built a couple of hanging and painted corner cupboards for relatives and friends and it was easy working, and the product was really neat.
Now that JTT got those links, Ive noticed that, according to the articles, the PEG has a habit of making the grain firmer(Which,as you know, pawlonia can have a fuzzy texture). SO when I carve, maybe Ill try some PEG infused wood and see whether that doesnt help make the carving cuts more distinct.