Sat 1 Oct, 2022 10:09 am
We're trying to contact someone who has knowledge and experience with using borax (20 mules team 25 kg bag) for treating and curing any type of wood.
There's not much on information online and whatever information there is, it is mixed information as to how to dissolve borax and use it as a treatment for wood.
My partner and I tried to use borax as one website mentioned dissolving it in warm water and putting it in a sprayer for treating wood, but we did that and the borax did not dissolve at all. Once it cooled down a bit, it crystallized and became hard, and made clumps. Another website said that you just need to dissolve it in plain room temperature water. Unfortunately, the borax did not dissolve at all. Some websites say to mix the borax with boric acid, and some say just use borax without boric acid. Some websites even say to add salt and glycol or just to add glycol. So we're confused as to what we are supposed to do, and how to use this in the sprayer so it does not clog the sprayer and the compound settles at the bottom. We don't want to have to come back after some time when it's cooled down and find that it's not dissolved and the borax is all sitting at the bottom with our destroyed sprayer.
We also would like to know what is the ratio of borax to water we need to use for the application of wood, as there is not much information online? In addition to the borax, do we also need to use boric acid and/or the glycol? Again, we're very confused about all of this.
Thank you for any helpful information.
Have you tried consulting a lumber store? Or others in the business?
Is there any other product you could use? A solution of some type?
I found this online:
Dissolve the Borax in very hot water, not just warm. It will stay dissolved.
Yeah, the guy in my video used boiling water.
I see. Thank you all for the information. The borax is granules, so not a powder.
I didn't try yet, but what ratio of borax to water do I use? Why also, do some people use borax acid or glycol with the mixture? This is also where I'm confused.