The animation which Cameron's 'Avatar' supposedly lifted the story line from:
Is now on sale in the $5 bin at Wallies. The Youtube serializations seem to be leaving material out so that any who find those entertaining might want to check out the deal at Wallies.
There is also at least one other candidate for a logical predecessor to Avatar, meaning that left-wing envirowhack nut-job Hollywood producers intent on showing the world the contrast between the evil world of modern man and his technological infrastructure and the beautiful, pristine, and pure world of the rain forest have had several cracks at it, but the situation is not helped by the commie Hollywood bastards being basically couch potatoes who have never been within five thousand miles of a real rain forest.
I mean, it really just breaks my heart to think of all of those pretty little animals and Ferngully fairies dying of malaria and being torn apart by the hordes of vicious insects which infest all real rain forests and which, for instance, made the construction of the Panama canal such an ordeal.
The one thing which actually does exist in the universe which actually COULD trnsform Ferngully, the Amazon basin, the Pandora rain forest, and every other rain forest in the universe into the Edens which Cameron and the authors of Ferngully describe, is DDT.
Utterly harmless to birds and mammals despite the vicious hype and lies of Rachel Carson and others, DDT is devastation on wheels to every sort of harmful insect. It is by orders of magnitude the most powerful and least expensive weapon in our arsenal against the creatures of Pandora's box, and it could be used to save Ferngully.