Well, legally I don't know if it's published or not!!!
I am writing material attempting to give understanding to indigenous communities, families, men's and women's groups about an issue that is very sensitive. When I come up with the thing, and it has been pulled to pieces and re-done enough to make sure EVERYONE is unhappy with at least part of it, it becomes a resource freely given to anyone with the expertise to use it.
It will have several levels so can be aimed at different sorts of groups depending upon who they and the presenters are...eg you'd want a female presenter to go really deep into the subject with the women, and a male presenters for the men...unless the men give permission for a woman to give it, and for the men only to then remain and discuss it. We had indigenous women presenting some material recently, and then the sexes broke up to discuss. That went beautifully...but it's cultural dynamite...you have to keep pushing the envelope without creating a nuclear explosion.
So....I guess it's SORT of published...but definitely not for profit.
But, if the damn thing ends up being useful, you'd want it used anywhere it might help...so these things can end up travelling quite widely.