Why do you, a self proclaimed scientist, understand so very little ? Do you know what a relationship is, statistically ? Do you know what a causative relationship is, statistically ? Do you know how to prove something based on sample size and eliminating variables ? Who said you were a scientist ? Oh, thats right, it was you, who is really a surveyor thinking he is a geologist .
Quote:Present your negative evidence.
Ahh..dickless ...it needs to be proven otherwise we might as well have to prove fresh air doesnt cause it . Negatives can not be proven .
Did you read what I wrote ? I mean you were sober and you read it as opposed to thinking you did ? You know how your thinking gets you into trouble....read it again . It cant be proven . They opted to help people with drugs which altered the result before it could be proven . Any lecturer at university knows this...where do you work again ? On a farm ?