My aunt lives on Vancouver Is. A neighbour years ago raised peacocks. She also had a whole brood of kids. One day, welfare - chilren services showed up at her door, said that a complaint had been made against her for beating her kids. It was the peacocks cry - help me, help me. Anywho... shortly after that the peacock flock ended up in the trees around her property and are still there to this day, 20 years later. So, they have no problem, apparently, with colder weather and snow, it would seem. Last year, some of the more wiley ones attacked my aunt. Seems freedom has made them angrier too...

I saw wild flocks in India too. They travel to the same places day after day, sitting on rooftops of their preferred villages, you can set a watch by thier travel habits.
A question Farmer.. if you've been to the caribbean, you'll see chickens everywhere. I'm wondering what kind they are, and/or are they mixed breeds? Some look like big/small banty's but you do see small while ones running around too.