Like an ADD child, GWB tires of his latest plaything and will soon move on to something new without tidying up and putting away the toy he was playing with.
The response to my statement from the right will be "GWB can't do anything right. If he stays to finish the job you'll call him a war monger with no exit strategy. If he pulls out and comes home without seeing through everything he said he was going to do you'll say he started something and then couldn't finish it".
Quite right. He IS in a damned if you do damned if you don't position.
More's the pity that we elect (?) and support a leader who is so freaking inept that he maneuvers himself and US into that position.
However, I propose that he has already met all his goals
A. He showed the world he's one tough sumbitch.
B. Finished what Daddy started, and hopefully earned some of Babs'approval.
C. Got a foothold in the Middle East for the express purpose of profit for him and his supporters for years to come.
D. Provided a gigantic payoff for his friends in the war, munitions, rebuilding, construction, enigineering and oil business, in other words his chief financial supporters.
E. got himself reelected so he can harvest more of the world's resources for himself and his cronies.
With all these things accomplished, nothing else matters, although he will continue to give other considerations lip service until after he wins reelection.
Then we'll see the real GWB unveiled in all his Satanic glory, IMO.