They don't even remotely coincide.
Maths deals with scientific proofs. Faith deals in areas beyond the boundaries where science can deterministically go.
Don't underestimate humanity. We've been around only for a few thousand years. I would say to you to watch and see how this race will become immortal and creator of other intelligent beings in the next thousand years to come and do things you would not comprehend right now. Luckily we will not be around by then to cause trouble with our "confusion" these dark ages, religions,politics and money plagued us.
I have viewed infinite series, such as 1=0, however these are logical fallacies.
There is Thomas Aquinas reasoning for creatio ex nihilo, being the arguement from motion (one of the 5 ways), yet the properties of ex nihilo are assumed in this case, hence creatio.
If there is a beggining of existence, an unmoved mover is necessary.
Many people don't even know what fractions are but yet they dare challenge God. WOW!! Talk about pride, right?????
Just how much math do you need to challenge God? I have taken graduate level math courses and I would be willing to give it a shot if no one with more education is available.
On the other hand, didn't God think that pi is an integer? Maybe to challenge God you don't need to know as much math as you might think.