Sun 27 Feb, 2011 08:14 am
so, the earthquake in New Zealand was horrific, but it has allowed me to revel in my fetishistic love of the female New Zealand accent, something that i don't get to hear on this side of the world as much as i might like
They have "sex" between five and seven twice a day . They also eat fush and chups . You could do worse . I know someone who used to almost faint every time a particular female officer would yell out "thwee wanks on the woad" .
" fetishistic love of the female New Zealand accent"
Please explain
I can only speak for myself. To my ear, females who display a NZ accent are exotic and it's far easier on the ears ... more so than Aussie.
i never see them, mostly it's podcast/radio stuff, i just find the accent really sexy
after i posted this i realized it was very JG10'esque
a bit unsettling to discover another JG10 here
dave, ya cain't get there from here...
i can promise this will be the one and only thread on the subject
from me anyway
Funny how that can happen. Self-awareness can be startling and often isn't shared by the ones that need it most.
Rockhead wrote:
dave, ya cain't get there from here...
Am I the only one who finds the Maine accent sexy?
I really love finding out that there is an ENTIRE
TMI forum.
At least one person does - the author Stephen King's wife, Tabitha (likewise a novelist), does.
I'm waiting for the authors of New England calendar to hang up on my wall. Stephen King should get the centerfold.
Amen, a nod is as good as wink to a blind horse . . .
Chuckling at that image as he really IS the NE poster boy. I'm looking up Tabitha's work, too, to see if I'd like it. Of course, she should be appreciated or evaluated on her own merit.
Of course, for starters, slightly ahead of them are Frost, Thoreau and Hawthorne, but I digress. Re NE authors who are current, he leads the list in my mind.
check out Cal Wilson.