Tue 8 Feb, 2011 03:04 pm
What if what I saw as red, you saw as blue, but we both called it red?
It seems completely possible to me, but just as impossible to prove.
It is the most natural thing that happens, as far as my perception is concerned. It has never been the other way round for me ever. Though not convinced, still it seems that later or sooner most of us come to realize that we live in different universes. Do not get me wrong. When I say that we live in the different universes, it does not mean that there is not an objective universe consisting Sun, Earth, plethora of planets, galaxies and all. It simply means that there is hardly, if any, individual who perceives this objective universe. (Again: How can I be an authority, even to assert that there is not any individual who is an original observer of the objective universe, if I am not privy to all the universes, that is, if I am not privy to all the Psyches.)(Again: Whether I am making any sense/non-sense is not clear to me!).
So, the perception that we are inhabiting subjective universes which overlap, is just something very tangible. Why all of us do not tend to call them different is something else. To see something red, which is seen as blue by others is most natural, but until you know the way to describe your perception(or the difference in the two perceivers(red/blue))---there is no way that both you call it something else. It is, just the deficiency of the language. Language limits our world.
Psychology is a pseudo-proto-Science, because you cannot weigh someone’s psyche in a significant way. No matter what you say.
The question which you have put has been asked by me, so many times, in a different manner:
My question is: Suppose both of us are suffering from some pain. Suppose both of us want to express our pain. I say to you: “ I am suffering really very bad.”
You say to me: “I am suffering too much.”
Still, we are not able to fathom the depths of our suffering.
There is no way to measure these.
In order to make myself more tangible: I Say: “I am suffering too much, as much as enough to force me to commit suicide immediately.”
You also say: “ I will also commit suicide immediately, because my pain is not bearable.”
Now: Though both of us have expressed ourselves using same analogy, it cannot be said that we are suffering to the same degree.
Because: May-be you commit suicide at the 10 degrees(imaginary).
I commit suicide at the 12 degrees(imaginary).
Therefore: There is no way to know whether we are suffering to the same extent.
This is the inherent limit of Psychology and expression.
This is the limit inherent in the subjective universes.
Is this before or after the tree fell in the forest?