Quantum Consciousness?
Chalmers, a steely-eyed rationalist when the need arises, is
not above indulging in a little speculation on the matter. And
-- surprise, surprise -- he suggests that perhaps
consciousness is a bit too complicated to be invested
exclusively in our puny, palpitating brain tissues.
"You know, we have physicists who want to build a
so-called Theory of Everything using just a few basics, such
as spacetime, mass and charge," Chalmers notes. "They
want to explain everything in terms of a few reductionist
components. And they can certainly explain a whole lot of
complicated stuff that way -- maybe even chemistry, life and
"But consciousness seems to be left out. And so what I tend to think is that if we're reasoning
consistently about these things, if we've got something that these fundamentals can't explain,
then we need something else which is new and fundamental. So I've argued that perhaps we
need to view consciousness as a kind of fundamental constituent of reality."
You heard right:
The world's foremost thinker on the Hard Problem is speculating -- and Chalmers would be the
first to stress it's only speculation, mind you -- that consciousness may one day very well turn
out to be a basic building block of the universe. Like photons are to light, or cream filling is to
Twinkies, consciousness may prove to be an inherent requirement of all that surrounds and
composes us.