Well, I thought the question was about "Sabbath" and not religion.
Any science is qua definitione unbiased ("scire"!) - it's the interpretation, which brings special views to it.
And as I said above, I think my Catholic view to be biased (and as said before, I consider any 'religious' view to be biased re this question as well).
It was the "all too often" phrase, Ambassador, which in juxtaposition, seemed to me to say that you doubt that anyone ever presents unbiased views. I agree with Walter that when people discuss their beliefs, they are by definition presenting a biased view. However, your comment seemed to me to suggest that one was unlikely to be able to discuss belief itself without bias, something with which i would not automatically agree.
If you go by the scriptures the Sabbath is Old Testament and since Jesus came to earth and saved everyone of all there sins. The Sabbath was not needed anymore. Tell me were in the New Testament it talks about keeping the Sabbath day holy. I could be wrong but am fairly confident. Another point though is that Jesus himself did not keep the Sabbath day holy in the retrospect of the law. Who is anyone to say what is to keep the Sabbath day holy except for God, and he hasn't said anything so I personally believe that the Sabbath day is a bunch of made up bull that some leaders decided would be good, and has just transgressed throughout the centuries.
So things like going out to see a film or whatever on a Sunday are wrong?
The Anglican Church in the UK has suggested only this week that the "Sabbath" should be downgraded. They've come to this point as they recognise that most folk spend their Sundays gardening, DIYing, watching/playing football and visiting family/friends....if I did all that I wouldn't have time for a church service!
The Sabbath is a good thing - in our busy society it is good to have some free time - just to relax. I think we should consider seeing the Sabbath in a new light, not as a religious day, but also as a secular, Western day to rest.
Seeker, going to a movie is a restful situation for some people. It is a break from the regular work week that we are slaves to. God is the originator of the sabbath, he made it for man. God created everything in 6 days and the day and night was the first day and the 7th day he set aside as the sabbath for rest. It is lawful to do well on the sabbath. The sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath.
Quote:Colossians 2: 16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the SABBATH days:
Ruach, I think you are right that seeing a film is a good break. But it is surely causing somebody to work...?