Fri 19 Dec, 2003 12:41 pm
I don't know if that many people are aware of this, but for the past few years now there has been a growing movement in Italy by a group of atheists to sue the Catholic Church for the murders of several dozen people centuries ago, along with purposely lying to early Christians to simply "Get their money". Now I'm an agnostic, I don't really believe in God or what have you, and I do naturally recognize the horrible deeds the Catholic Church used to commit upon Muslims Jews and masses of Christians who were rebellious toward's the Church's authority. But I don't really see how you can justify suing an institution for crimes it commited five hundred years ago, when it is in no way the same institution as it was then, and since John Paul II publically apologized, for the first time in history for a pope, to the people of the world FOR the crimes of Catholocism. I just think this is just another classic case of ambulence chasing by radicalist atheists attempting to destroy religion? Share your opinion, and please don't be offended if you're an atheist who supports this movement.
I don't give a crap about the Catholic Church, but this does indeed sound like a gratuitous lawsuit.
I am reminded of the quote of Falstaff in Henry IV, Part II, referring to the time when Prince Hal (future Henry V) would come to the throne:
First thing we do, Hal, is hang all the lawyers
or something to that effect . . .
As a survivor of Catholicism, i haven't much sympathy, but would only note that now somebody needs to sue those Protestants sons-of-bitches for all the tens of thousands of women they burned as witches . . .
set, but they were witches....
Witches, smitches . . . so they had cold titties, is that any reason to bar-b-que 'em?
I posted a response to this -- and I don't see it.
Has this identical thread been posted elsewhere???
I wonder
Does anyone see a similarity to the lawsuits for reparations resulting from slavery?
I think this should be brought to court. If someone can sue McDonalds why not anyone else? And the Salem Witch Burnings not many were set aflame if any.
Guitarman wrote:And the Salem Witch Burnings not many were set aflame if any.
Probably because there was no such thing as the "Salam Witch Burnings". They were the "Salem Witch Trials". Most found guilty were hung.
and out of the 13 girls in the trial, I believe 7-10 were hung.
Guitarman wrote:and out of the 13 girls in the trial, I believe 7-10 were hung.
There was more than 1 trial. Hundreds were jailed. 19 were hanged and 1 was crushed to death. A few others died in prison including an infant. Nobody who went to trial was ever found innocent.
I think the structure of the Catholic Church has to change, it's just too conservative, it abuses its power; when saying condoms are bad for example, the effect on Europeans wont be very big, but in for example African countries this can have a huge effect. As a Roman Catholic - don't let my name fool you - I'm dissatisfied by the way the Church is acting at the moment. Sadly enough there are no (big) progressive movements in the Church yet. There were some but they immediatly turned from Rome enterily (Old Catholics for example), and others eventually weakened their protests and returned to the Pope. Hmmm maybe its time for me to find some new religion