@cicerone imposter,
Quote:Actually, the trend toward losing the middle class started about 30 years ago when wives started working to keep up with the Joneses just to find out that the two salaries they were making didn't really increase their lifestyle
right,women working was the compensatory move to deal with the fact that the economy began to stop working to better our lives through work somewhere 1969-1971. We never recovered from all of the turmoils (capitalism hates turmoil and unpredictability) and the ending of the Vietnam funding was also a shock to the economy). Then we added Watergate and the oil shocks just for good measure...the resulting stagflation was a body blow to the American psyche. Along came useless Jimmy Carter and the Iranian Hostage crisis where we proven yet again that we had lost control and were impotent. Reagan fixed the spirit some but only by juicing the economy and thus destabilizing it. America became addicted to the fast fix and easy answer, and that was all she wrote.
We compensated for our lack of control over our situation (partly because no one was home for the kids and we could not do anything about it, nor could we fix our overloaded daily schedules) by becoming hyper vigilant towards our children, and our lack of economic progess by spoiling our kids like you say....because it made the adults feel better about themselves...and thus pretty much ruined a generation of kids, which considering that they need to fix the damage that the boomers have caused is not exactly encouraging.
We know how we got to this sorry place, how we get out without massive pain and suffering IDK. What do you do when everyone is bankrupt and the people are either unable or unwilling to take care of themselves and look to government to take care of them (see the rape thread for just one small example of this), which the government claims to do but is fabulously under resourced to do plus is completely corrupted by the corporate class looking for yet more treasure to plunder? The people need to feel a 2x4 upside the head but we cant do that anymore, supposedly. Got any other ideas? It looks to me that we have given up,are buckled in for the big crash, and that we will figure out the way ahead after we see what is salvageable.