fitupnut - sort of nut, gives a boost to the immune system
'Funiputty" - Similiar to "Silly Putty"
funipatti-What insiders really call the "meat" of a McDonald's hamburger.
you replaced the Y with an I and the U with an A !!
is that wrong..crap i ain't so good at
no, but fungiputty would...
fungiputty--What really is put into a McDonalds hambuger...
puttyhufing -- slang for getting high by inhaling putty fumes
huttypuffing - getting needlessly excited and anxious before Christmas
HUTTYPUFFSING -- An out of control gathering of overly excited Christmas carolers
Chuttypuffings-the spore of the ellusive Chutty.
By George! She's got it! That's 13.
(save mine for another time)
Reached the 13 letter maximum so let's go ahead with:
WOD a small lump in a pillow or mattress that keeps you awake
Woops, I'll save mine for another time!
WODO - A dodo bird without a mate
Weod-pronounce We' od...german in origin meaning pleasant.
Ewodo- Frodo's second cousin oft left out of tales..
Sorry, have to go with first postings!
Corow - a colonial bird of the crow family