Damnlateras-- (pron. dam-lé-te-ras)
n. pl. (Japanese English corruption) dates or events which one regrets years after their taking place.
Shetlandrama - Disney film of the Scottish Isles, in total wraparound color and surroundsound
Dramas-n-health-New soap opera covering important health issues.
EPT-able to overcome lactose intolerance
Peet- (scottish) past participle--> 'look.' Found frequently in Burns' poems:
'An' peet the anma' tae thi corner slei
I 'new yer festy feestel disnar gei.'
spreet - a wee Scots elf or kelpie
streepe- a dance move that involves standing and sweeping.
pearteels- (Sc.) tragedies (or) farcical occurances in which everything goes wrong.
(From pear-shaped and tales)
settlepear - an old wives' remedy for diarrhoea caused by eating unripe fruit, consisting of 3 parts clay and 1 part horehound
repeattells- New system that tells a viewer if an when the program/film that they're watching is plagiarising another film.
lapel tethers - bits of velcro which stop the lapels of a cheap suit from turning up
steepletear - rip in the nylon covering that holds the steeple together
Oss, I think you've been overtaken by events!
seattlepear - fruit from the Pacific Northwest.
I guess so. Now I am hesitating to post. I swear I added to the last known...
but of course I missed the next page, After the update screen.
Bad girl. Quiet now for a few posts.
Pentarteasel - foldaway easel for artists, living in what estate agents call penthouses but we know are garrets
1) A special Gymnastic move that entails handstanding whilst transmorphing shape.
2) The campaign launched in 1867 to rid England of impure substances in food
Max- (pronunciation: Mach ch-- like loch)
Seaside resorts in Spain, Cyprus and Turkey to which people who consider Benidorm heaven flock.
From Spanish 'mar' (sea) plus x from urch/ach! (Sound of vomiting, the number 1 activity there.)
Hey, that was a 13, but there's no 3!
Max was the 3, Jespah, it got lost in the etymology!!!
xmad - describes people going crazy and maxing out on the credit cards at Xmas