extremasnip - having the whole wedding tackle cut off as a contraceptive measure
matestripnex= (n) When friends become lovers, after a long time of seperation (usually due to time in the armed forces.)
fr 'mate' cq. friend; strip; NEX- abbrv. 'Navy exchange.'
Tsar-exemption - tax immunity for royals in Russia
HAR - woolly mammoth's fifth stomach (<Norse)
Harn: Abbreviation for a harness.
Charn - a churn, in Dorset
Charny - a toasted carnival attraction (char + carny).
snarych - a central European witch with purple hair and snaggle teeth
Snayurch= vb 1) To use religion to back one's opinions. (dv. 'snare' + 'church.)
2) Missi., Ok. = vb. Snatch.
hasyrunic - pertaining to ancient Hebraic runes, recently discovered at Sinai.
hasybrunic - traditional Jewish witches (from Hasidic + Brunhilde)
Bruinshacky -- Human constructed hybernation chamber for bears in captivity
burnishycake - a glazed sweet cake used to welcome the old New Year (spring equinox, start of Aries) in olde partes of Engelande
Cornish ubakey - certain take-out foods in England
hap - indicator of ongoing hazardous situation
thap - the sound of Christmas pudding hitting spouse's face, a common occurrence in the festive season
thape - shape of thapped face after thapping occurence.
Apethe (Old English 3rd Person singular)= imitates.
hapestry - tapestry that's sewn by mistake
SHARPEIRY - fan club system for Sharpei dog enthusiasts
harpsyeira-- A musical store devoted to the sale of harps and harpsachords.