Ridmol: (noun and verb; Texan) Request for a private audience or privacy... (dv. 'rid them all.')
dormile - a mile and a half - so called because in a dormobile a mile feels much longer than a mile
maleroid- one who posesses atypically masculine features.
{male + /and/roid.]
balidrome - spanking new Indonesian airport
Bulimaroed--- to be beaten so badly by a bigger person that even your bone marrow aches.
magibromide - instant opposite of viagra for worldweary hefners
It was magiubromide, didn't I say??!
magicbromide - palliative affecting card shuffling adequacy
Cubigomermaid - One of Braque's first cubist pictures first shown in Paris in 1903
WID - short straw used for holding eyelids up when watching docudramas
SWID - skidding of a car on a wet road
swind - Anglo-Saxon dance with swinging steps and swirling skirts
swined - an adjective describing someone who has been the victim of the dropping of a pail of pig droppings.
swinked - swindled by a winking salesperson
swinkled - twinkled at by a swinish cad
deswinkle -- to spurn the swinkleing of a swinkler
deskwinkle - stupidly cute desk decoration
good one!
Peskwinkled -- exterminated like a bug