lerned - avowal of educability
reladen - ready for a second romp
falntered - autumnal droppings
alterfiend - evil convert
antlerfried - what happens to deer that try to jump electrified fences.
pint deferral - (in US medicine) the timelag between assessing a patient's insurance status and the blood transfusion that will save his life
pab - politician's agonising bollocks - the apparent emotions affected by politicians when talking of people they've screwed over (e g Gordon Brown being sorry for the lowest paid)
barp - The sting the treasurer hides in his annual budget to Parliament.
berap - argot for street existentialism, also a sack to carry it in
beharp - to surround with harps
hopbear - a grizzly with a broken leg
barfhope - the slight optimism felt when, having vomited several times, you think that the poison has finally left your body
fabhopper - an agile geriatric, still trying to collect those elusive autographs from the creators of the Liverpool sound.
shopperbaf - a kleptomaniac on the loose
prefabhosps - temporary clinics put up in the 1930s and still being used by the National Health because they can't afford real hospitals.
flashboppers - lascivious raincoat wearing dancers
sab - a defanged stoneage tiger
baisy - the white, flower-like fungus that grows on mouldy pool table surfaces.
sikbay - a place for unhealthy people
basicky (bay-sik-ee) - primieval detestation of cliché-usage