The Royal Society in fact said
Quote: There is strong evidence that changes in greenhouse gas concentrations due to human
activity are the dominant cause of the global warming that has taken place over the last
half century. This warming trend is expected to continue as are changes in precipitation
over the long term in many regions. Further and more rapid increases in sea level are
likely which will have profound implications for coastal communities and ecosystems
You post crap, snake.
And last winter was by nowhere near a world cold record, and it was cold only in certain areas because the jet stream, which normally circles northern latitudes fairly smoothly, developed kinks, which it has always done periodically. In the southward kinks, northern cold winds blew southward, while in the northern kinks southern warm air flowed northward. Which is why Juneau, Alaska, was snow free and had a brown Christmas, while some of the 48 States were colder than normal. Which you would know if you actually read the science, snake. Or for that matter the weather report.
I repeat. You post crap.