This is related to a basic problem that the Internet has with veracity. Information can take many forms, sometimes it's scientific, other times it's anecdotal, or even purely fictional for entertainment. Then of course there is information intended to mislead or inappropriate or insane or whatever else a motivated human being can come up with.
At present, the Internet has no "filter" or "classification" system for information, everything just exists in a large bin. It's up to the user to examine every bit of information and to filter it themselves based on their own interest. But this is a very inefficient system for finding information (or good reading) amidst such a gigantic flow of data.
Ultimately, I suspect that filtering/classification mechanisms will be embedded within Internet searches which selectively present information based on how the user chooses to filter. But that's just my prediction for the future. It hasn't happened yet.
Until then, Trolls and Snake Oil and Medical knowledge will all swim together in the same pool.